Tetris Code

I used to be an extreme retro gamer although, this changed when my friend Tom bought a cheap Tetris game from eBay. I was shocked when he handed it to me on my birthday. I had been looking for a copy of Tetris everywhere, however they were all past my exceedingly short budget. As soon as I got the chance, I got my console and began to play the game.
I played until Level 3, when a mysterious block formation appeared to be next. I briefly studied this unusual formation. It was 4 blocks (as usual) but the blocks were in no any way attached. I was curious, and anchored it next to a T formation. This cleared the whole level, and although I was happy, I was also confused due to the lack of score. At that moment a text box appeared.
It read:
"Are you curious? I bet you are now!"
I tried to pause the game, however it wouldn't pause. It forced me to the next level. In Level 4 a huge title screen read although all the textures in the level were glitched and hard to understand. I saw a red block. As soon as I placed it, all the other blocks turned red and blood dripped from them. It was realistic and surprisingly modernly pixelated!
As soon as that happened, I tried to detach it from the game boy, but it wouldn't budge. In the end I threw it violently out the window. Pieces of mechanical debris and sparks went flooding out and combusting out of the flaming handheld. A few days later an e-mail arrived in my Gmail. It was simply a load of binary.